
A collection of 66 posts

Fatescribe Roh-Kalo Beaten

We got our first kill of Fatescribe Roh-Kalo tonight! Great work on learning this boss and downing him tonight even after we lost Galena to no internet! Congratulations to all who got loot!

Two More Down!

Two new bosses down tonight! Remnant of Ner'zhul and Soulrender Dormazain! Each took only a few attempts! Congratulations to everyone who got loot tonight!

Three Bosses Slain!

We got our first kills of The Tarragrue, The Eye of the Jailer, and The Nine tonight in Sanctum of Domination! Great work on a one shot on The Nine and two shots on the other two! Congratulations to all

Sire Denathrius Deposed!

We got our first kill of Sire Denathrius tonight! Great work on learning this boss tonight! Congratulations to everyone who got loot! We also have a new Quote tonight "Triangle where the fuck are you going?"