
A collection of 67 posts

Undermine Roadkill!

We've had a great first two weeks in Liberation of Undermine. We got 4 bosses down on week one and two new ones tonight! Congratulations to everyone who got loot!

AOTC: Queen Ansurek

Thank you H Word for all your hard work learning this boss on heroic and finally getting this boss down! Great job! And congrats to those that got loot!

Queen Ansurek Deposed!

We got Queen Ansurek down tonight! With this kill we've now full cleared the raid in one night. Great work everyone learning this fight and congratulations to everyone who got loot!

AOTC: Amirdrassil

Congrats to H Word team on getting their Ahead of the Curve achievement and learning the fight in 3 nights! Thank you for all your work.