Guild Party 2021

Join us on Friday, July 23rd at 6 pm server time (Pacific) to celebrate 16 years of fun and friendship! We'll hang out, give away prizes, and play some fun games together. If you can't make it right at 6 pm, don't worry! Log on when you can and join in on the fun. :)

This year's special activity will be a game of WoW Trivial Pursuit. One of the categories will be guild member trivia. So, look out for a post from Galena asking for submissions of fun facts about our members!

We'll also be hosting a round of WoW style Family Feud some time soon. The date is yet to be determined. If you can't make it on July 23rd, let Galena know. She will attempt to choose a day that those missing the main party can attend.

We hope to see you all there!