We got our first kill of Sennarth, The Cold Breath tonight! Great work on picking up this boss! Congratulations to all who got loot, even though it was more of slog with the loot bugs tonight!
Semper Vigilans
A collection of 65 posts
Dathea, Acended Brought Down!
We got out first kill of Dathea, Acended last night! Great work on learning this boss! Congratulations to all who got loot!
Dragonflight Launch
Guild Anniversary Party 2022
The Jailer has been Slain!
We got our first kill of the Jailer tonight! Great work everyone! That is our final first kill of a boss for the expansion!
Rygelon and The Lords of Dread Vanquished!
We got two new bosses today! Great work on getting these two down tonight! Congratulations to all who got loot!
Anduin Wrynn
We got Aduin Wrynn finally! Great work on getting him down and congratulations to all who got loot!
Halondrus the Reclaimer Reclaimed!
We got our first kill on Halondrus the Reclaimer! Great work on learning this boss so quickly. Congratulations to all who got loot!