Semper Vigilans

A collection of 65 posts

**Rescheduled** SV Winter Carnival

Apologies, friends! Due to a scheduling conflict, I need to delay the Winter Carnival one week. The new date is Saturday, January 27th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

Tindral Snuffed Out!

We got our first kill of Tindral Sageswift tonight! Great work from everyone in learning this new fight. Congratulations to everyone who got loot tonight!

2023 Guild Party!

This year, we are celebrating Semper Vigilans' 18th birthday! Help us party in style by joining us on Saturday, July 22nd at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Here are some of the events you can look forward to: * Human Darts

2023 Guild Party Poll

Hey, friends! This year our guild will mark our 18th birthday and we'd love to have you all help us celebrate. To help us plan a party to remember, we have a few quick questions about what days